Tuesday, 22 April 2014

S is for Selfish

I am a sucker for a selfie, the above picture proves this ... hooray for Instagram filters!!

But the main thing I love about a selfie is the fact that it's all about me. I love being selfish, I love caring just about me and now you probably hate me. Obviously it isn't what I do and it isn't all I do. I love caring for others, I love giving, I love making other people happy but I also like to make myself happy (that sentence sounds like one long sexual innuendo or is it just me that's childish?!!?). I think there it is frowned upon to think about your own needs and desires first but if you can't look after yourself then can you really expect others to put your needs first?

So here's to being selfish!! (and this post is so short because I'm being selfish and getting some sleep - although more sleep is in the interest of everyone as I'm moody)

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