Monday, 5 May 2014

Weekly Wishes #1

I loved the A-Z challenge last month. It made me feel part of something which I really enjoyed so I decided that I wanted to do something. Something that celebrated the every day and acknowledged my need to achieve but also my new found need for community. And I settled on Melyssa from the Nectar Collective's "Weekly Wishes". In it you set out what you want to achieve in a week and review how you got on with last week's wishes or as Melyssa much more eloquently describes it "for people who like to get shit done" It's something I really enjoy reading on other people's blogs and it's nice to hear about the everyday in a world of blogging perfection.


1. Clean my room - I hate putting clothes away and hate ordering my everyday stuff. I don't want to put my makeup away - it needs to be randomly strewn all over the place. I need that random pile of gift wrap and that other random bag of generic stuff. SAID NO ONE EVER!! (apart from hoarders that get buried under a pile of falling junk and then get eaten by their pet cats)

2. Buy one piece of grown up makeup - Natural collection/ dream matt mousse - it's all a bit thirteen years old. I'm not sure what yet as I need to have a little research but I'm thinking MAC shop here I come!

3. Enjoy my first yoga class - I've been thinking I should try yoga for a few years but I don't know - I keep putting myself off. Thanks to a certain Essex person and my gym changing their class timetable, I am giving it a go.

Wish me luck guys


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Welcome to the weekly wishes linkup :) I also have to clean up my room for the week, so good luck with that! Getting started is the hard part lol and hve fun at your first yoga class! That sounds exciting!


  3. Hey Toyota. Welcome to the link up, it's really fun! Enjoy your yoga class. haha this is funny but I'm not so flexible so I actually find yoga to be hard :/ Anyways, good luck with your wishes this week :)

  4. The worst thing about tidying up is that things never stay tidy, it's a constant battle!

    Also, I think if you've found makeup that works for you then it shouldn't matter what brand it is.

  5. Welcome to Weekly Wishes! I hope you do enjoy your yoga class -- I find it so relaxing!!
