Sunday, 9 March 2014

Sunday Stuff

Getting back to work after a long weekend off was very difficult. While my body clock still woke me up at 7.30am each morning, that Monday morning alarm hurt my soul.

On the theme of giving up this week I have recently felt like giving up my small Sunday job but to be honest the money is helpful and the people lovely so at this moment in time I feel that sacrificing those three hours on a Sunday is still something I can do. Recently I have struggled to find the balance but after reading this blog post I have felt much better.  

I have been to the gym zero times this week. I have too many excuses but most of them involve the fact I am too lazy and too tired. I have heard a lot of people talk about the Insanity challenge and looking at these people's results is amazing but I lack self motivation so I think this would be a big waste of money for me.

On the food side I have done much less cooking than I intended. I cooked this dish but had little success mainly due to the fact that I tried to cook this with very little measuring of the ingredients involved. I also think that as I was cooking in a bad mood this also didn't help. It will definitely be one I try again but once I have invested in some good ol' American measuring cups.

This week I treated myself in New Look to some new boots, new heels and and new pink jumper. It's typical that I finally decide to buy boots as the weather starts to warm up. I'm also not sure pink is my colour.

Next week is my birthday and I'm not even excited yet. Who am I?!?!?  
What have you been up to this week?

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