One of my wishes for 2015 was to get more organised (I actually wrote 2014 here to start with - I just can't get it yet!!). So I have started an organisation plan - ideas of what I want to organise in my life - and as I still have no idea where to even start yet I need a plan!
- Plan my blog content - it is so hard to think of ideas sometimes off the cuff and also need to spend more time organising the post before hand. I have read that a lot of bloggers spend days tweaking posts and you can really tell that their blog posts are a lot more crafted than mine. I have a notebook I started while I had no internet so I hope this will help - how do you plan your blog content?
- Blog schedule - I tried this before and failed - I guess I had the wrong system for me and I also didn't have enough blog content planned out to do this. I also played with the idea of doing specific post types at a regular interval which I might bring back - do you have a blogging schedule?
- Organize my things - I have recently moved out and I have a lot of things that I have no idea how to store or where to put them. I think I need more storage as my large chest of drawers wouldn't fit up the stairs into my bedroom! Do you have any clever storage tips?
- Keep my wardrobe tidy - At home my room used to be covered in clean clothes that I never put away in my wardrobe as it is my most hated thing to do! One of my resolutions when I moved out was to put my clothes away once clean. I also want to make sure I am using my wardrobe to it's full potential - wearing my all my clothes and getting rid of any that don't fit or I don't wear - what is your most hated household chore? how do you keep your wardrobe fresh?
- Meal planning - Another of my resolutions was to cook more but I'm a bit of a haphazard cook and used to end up wasting a lot of money on wasted ingredients. I seriously cannot afford to do this so hopefully planning meals will help with this and get rid of the nightly stress of what to eat! Do you meal plan or are you more an off the cuff chef?
- Finances - I am a bad financial planner - I pay too much for stuff I don't really need or use and I'm not very good at saving money. I'm too generous and lend out too much money and it's not something that I can afford to do anymore since I have moved out so I need to look at ways to sort through what I have, expenditures and savings - do you have any good saving tips?
- Work schedule - I am starting my Open University degree at the end of January and I'm working full time and I want a life so I am going to have to make time and work productively - how do/did you plan your study time?
- Organise my notes - When I worked on my Open University intro course I noticed that I am a bit of keep notes everywhere person which I did improve when working through the module - hopefully I can improve this more - are you a pen & paper or a computer notes person?
- Plan time productively - I think I spend a lot of time doing things poorly just because that's the way they were always done so I'm hoping to be able to shake things up a bit (permission permitting!) I am also thinking of doing the idea where if a task takes less than 5 minutes to complete then I should do it straight away rather than sitting on it/ adding it onto my ever increasing list or forgetting it entirely!! How much input do you have over how you plan your day?
- Organise my desk - I moved desks when I moved roles at work and this new desk just doesn't work for me. I have to have a lot more stuff to do what I do and I just don't like how it is all set up - tips for an organised desk please!!
And if I do all of this I will seriously be the most organised person in the history of the world!
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