Saturday, 21 June 2014

How to Get Rid of Dandruff Naturally

I have had a very dry itchy scalp recently caused by a small cut and no matter how many times I tried anti dandruff shampoo it really wasn't working and the problem was spreading! So I started looking online for other treatments and found a lot of different methods and found that the below worked for me and hopefully it will work for you...

You will need:
Comb or hard bristled brush
Olive oil
Microwaveable Mug
Spray Bottle (I got mine from Boots for £1.55)
White Vinegar (I used White Wine as this is what I had but many websites recommended Apple Cider Vinegar)

1. Put olive oil in a mug and microwave for about 30 seconds. The amount you need will depend upon the length of your hair but for my hair which is mid length and quite thick I used approx quarter of a mug.

2. Section hair and brush into roots and through the length of the hair. You will look like a 90's boy band member but it's really worth it! Massage oil into hair and once all damp, wrap head in a crazy clingfilm turban. This is so it doesn't dry out. You will look silly but the little kids didn't even bat an eyelid! Leave for 10-15 mins.

3. While waiting mix your vinegar mix. I used approximately 6 parts water to 1 part vinegar and this worked for me but you might need to experiment with this. I coloured my hair about six months ago and I do feel this did alter the colour slightly. Not by much but if this is something you are worried about then I wouldn't recommend this bit.

4. Once your time is up wash with normal shampoo. My favourite is the Aussie Miracles Daily Shampoo as it doesn't create build up. You may need to wash twice and be very careful that you don't slip in the shower!

5. Once shampoo rinsed spray hair with vinegar mix. You can either rinse this off (which I prefer) or you can leave on (which can leave your hair smelling of vinegar). You don't need to condition and the vinegar mix is an excellent detangler.

I use this method every couple of weeks and it really works for me. Let me know if you decide to try this method and how you get on.

Monday, 16 June 2014

Weekly Wishes #6


Ok so maybe technically not last week's wishes as I had an unplanned blogging hiatus. I had a lot I need to get back on track including submitting my essay, work, the gym and friends including celebrating a new job and spending time with my sister but if I had of wished last week to sort the above would definitely have been top of my list.
1. I went to the gym and upped the difficulty of what I was doing thanks to my new gym buddy. I started the Couch to 5k challenge and honestly found the first week one of the most difficult things I have done.
2. I watched the first two episodes of Season Two of Game of Thrones and there were a lot of new characters introduced - confused!
3. I made these Rhubarb & Ginger scones which were lovely (must cut ginger into smaller pieces next time)


1. Read some blogs - As my blog has suffered so has reading the, This week I aim to read, comment and write another BLOG LOVE entry (and if you have any posts/blogs to recommend - including you own! - then send me the links)

2. Keep a food diary - I want to keep track of what goes in my mouth (so hopefully less goes into it!)

3. Have a smoothie three times - I don't eat enough fruit, hopefully this wish will help.

Sunday, 15 June 2014

Book Review - I am Pilgrim - Terry Hayes

"Can you commit the perfect crime?
Pilgrim is the codename for a man who doesn't exist. The adopted son of a wealthy American family, he once headed up a secret espionage unit for US intelligence. Before he disappeared into anonymous retirement, he wrote the definitive book on forensic criminal investigation.
But that book will come back to haunt him. It will help NYPD detective Ben Bradley track him down. And it will take him to a rundown New York hotel room where the body of a woman is found facedown in a bath of acid, her features erased, her teeth missing, her fingerprints gone. It is a textbook murder - and Pilgrim wrote the book.
What begins as an unusual and challenging investigation will become a terrifying race-against-time to save America from oblivion. Pilgrim will have to make a journey from a public beheading in Mecca to a deserted ruins on the Turkish coast via a Nazi death camp in Alsace and the barren wilderness of the Hindu Kush in search of the faceless man who would commit an appalling act of mass murder in the name of his God."

This is the book that broke my reading hiatus and I had tried lots of different books. 12 Years a Slave, Labyrinth, The Kill Room, In the Blood were all discarded as unreadable at the moment but this book I really enjoyed. It was one of easy action thrillers, never a literary classic but a good read all the same.

What makes it most interesting, which I guess is the case for with most books, are the characters. Ben Bradley is your typical New York cop who turns out to not be so typical and your terrorist is everything you think he should be and also everything you think he shouldn't. In a world of secret espionage it is difficult to tell the good men from the bad. This books made me consider the ideas behind terrorism and whether all terrorists are inherently "bad people" or does something cause people to become a terrorist? This book would definitely suggest the latter.

While the story begins as a simple murder mystery this book travels the globe through terrorism, secrecy and politics and brings you to the edge of your seat.

Tuesday, 3 June 2014

The Friendzone

I read on the internet recently that apparently the worst thing a girl can say when asked if she is with a guy and they aren't an item is to say no. Even if you aren't together, have never been together and have no intention of being together you should always say yes.

I think this is ridiculous!! One of my best friends is a guy, we have been friends since I was thirteen and if I said we were together he would laugh in my face. His lovely girlfriend might also have something to say about our imaginary relationship. He is the person I speak to on the phone most often, he is the person that makes me laugh when I need it most but that doesn't mean we need to be in a relationship together. He is not interested in me and I am not interested in him. 

The friendzone is a load of crap if you ask me. It's an excuse made up by people who are too afraid to tell the person they are interested in what they truly want. And do you know how annoying it is to here you complain about why X, Y or Z doesn't like you? Because you are obviously such an amazing catch if you can't even tell the person that you are supposedly meant to be best of friends that you are interested in them and I don't mean just finding them attractive!

So yes my best friend is a guy and neither of us are in the friendzone. Do you think members of the opposite sex can be just friends?

But if you want to escape the friendzone this article will not help you but it may make you laugh

Monday, 2 June 2014

Weekly Wishes #5

I'm a little bit late today as for once I have a life. My best friend has a job interview tomorrow so a pep talk is in order!


1. Go to the gym three times - Three times? How about zero times? Big fat fail!

2. Get back on track with my Open University course - I am still a bit behind but after spending Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday evening and all day Saturday beavering my way through my text book I am pretty much all the way through Chartism.

3. Pick a book and stick with it - I have a book and will be reviewing in the next couple of weeks. I like it.


1. Go to the gym - OK so a bit of a downsize wish from last week but you shouldn't run before you walk so I need to get to the gym!

2. Start Game of Thrones Season Two - A wish I am looking forward to. 

3. Do some baking - I have so many recipes on Pinterest and I really would like to make some of them - and yeah cake!